English : Common Core Classes

Unit 4 (Shopping) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Shopping Places

1-2/ Shopping Around

1-3/ Shopping around the World

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Shopping Places

Grammar 1: Comparative Adjectives



Activity 1
  • Write the correct form of the comparative :

Example 1 : A thrift shop is (cheap) cheaper than a department store.
Example 2 : A bed is (comfortable) more comfortable than a chair.

1. A jacket is (warm) ___________________ a tee-shirt.

2. For many people, shopping on-line is (interesting) ___________________ going to the supermarket.

3. On-line shopping is (easy) ___________________ shopping from stores.

4. The flea market is (cheap) ___________________ boutiques, but clothes in boutiques are (good) ___________________ .

5. A mall is (attractive) ___________________ a supermarket.



1-2/ Shopping Around

Grammar 2



Activity 1
  • Complete the conversations with: one, ones, this, that, these, those

Tom: Excuse me. How much are ____________ jackets over there?
Clerk: Which ____________ ?The blue ____________ or the brown ____________ ?
Tom: The brown ____________ , please.
Clerk: Here you are. They're $79.95
Tom: Oh, they're too expensive.


1-3/ Shopping around the World

Grammar 3: Present Countinuous


II- Practice


2.1. Exercise 1


  • Mike is at the book store. Complete his conversation with Betty. Use the present continuous form of the verb.

Betty : Hi! Mike. What (you/do) ____________  here?
Mike : Oh, nice to see you Betty. I'm (look) ____________  for some books for our school library. We (start) ____________  a Reading Club.
Betty : That sounds a lot of work.
Mike : Well, don't worry about that. We (not spend) ____________  too much time on that. It (not take) ____________  me away of my studies. And our teachers (help) ____________  us.
Betty :That's great. Good luck with your Reading Club.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Complete the dialogue with this, that, these or those :

Jane : This is my new jacket, Kate.
Kate : It's lovely. Whose is __________ shirt over there?
Jane : __________ is my brother's, and __________ pants next to it are my sister's.
Kate : They are beautiful. Jane, are __________ your CDs on this table?
Jane : Yes, they are, and __________ my CD player.
Kate : Great! Let's listen to music then.



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Complete the dialogue with the Present Simple or the Present Continuous of the verbs in brackets :

Maria : Hi, Liz (you/do) ______________ ?
Liz : Can't you see? I (practise) ______________  yoga?
Maria : I can see that but it's Wednesday afternoon!
Liz : So what?
Maria : We (always/go) ______________  shopping on Wednesday afternoons.
Liz : Not today. I want to relax.
Maria : But your mum (wait) ______________  for us in the car.
Liz : Just tell her I (not come) ______________ .
Maria : OK.