English : Common Core Classes

Unit 4 (Shopping) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Shopping Places

1-2/ Shopping Around

1-3/ Shopping around the World

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3

2-4/ Exercise 4


I- Activities


1-1/ Shopping Places




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation with your partner :

A: Do you know a good place to buy antiques?
B: Well, let me see. Oh yeah, there is a thrift shop on Baker Street.
A: Do they have old paintings?
B: I'm not sure; you'll have to go and see. I know they have very good furniture, but I really don't know about paintings.
A: Do you know a good place to buy hats?
B: I've got no idea.



Activity 2

Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :



1-2/ Shopping Around




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation with your partner :

A: Excuse me. I'd like to buy a shirt.
B: Look at these. Which one do you prefer / like better?
A: I prefer / like the green one. How much is it?
B: It's $20.50.
A: That's kind of expensive.
B: How about this blue one? It's only $15.90.
A: That's a good price, and the style is more attractive. I'll take it.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :



1-3/ Shopping around the World




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation :

Salesperson : Can I help you, sir?
Customer : I'm looking for a raincoat, size 42.
Salesperson : Here's one for £250.
Customer : Could I see that one, over there? How much is it?
Salesperson : That one's cheaper, only £150, but it is not real leather.
Customer : OK. I'll take it. Could you put it in a bag for me, please?
Salesperson : Here you are.And that'syour change.
Customer ; Thank you for your help.
Salesperson : Please come again.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

Match the shopping places with their definitions :

  1. Can I exchange this?
  2. Can I have my money back?
  3. Can I pay by check?
  4. Can I try this jacket on?
  5. Do these pants fit me?
  6. Does this jacket suit me?
  7. I'm afraid I only have a £ 10 note.
  • a. Of course, if you have a bankcard.
  • b. I'm afraid we don't give refund.
  • c. Certainly. There is a changing room over there.
  • d. They're a little too small. Try a larger size.
  • e. If you have a receipt.
  • f. That's all right. I can change it.
  • g. Yes, it's just the right colour and size for you.



2-2/ Exercise 2

Complete the dialogue with sentences 1-6 :

Shop assistant : Can I help you madam?
Customer : Yes, please. _______________________ ?
Shop assistant : _______________________ ?
Customer : _______________________ I can't buy them.
Shop assistant : Well, have a look at these ones. _______________________ . They are only £40.
Customer : They look nice. _______________________ Here's £40.
Shop assistant : Thanks. _______________________ .



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Complete the dialogue with the missing questions :

Shop assistant : Good morning ___________________ ?
Maria : Yes, please. I'm looking for a blouse.
Shop assistant : _______________________________________ ?
Maria : White, please.
Shop assistant : _______________________________________ ?
Maria : Medium.
Shop assistant : Let's see ... white ... medium ... sorry, we have them in black, blue and red only. Here they are.
Maria : I like the blue one. ___________________ ?
Shop assistant : £25. It's on sale ___________________ ?
Maria : Yes, ___________________ the fitting rooms, please?
Shop assistant : They are over there.


Shop assistant : _______________________________________ ?
Maria : It's nice. I'll take it.
Shop assistant : _______________________________________ ?
Maria : cash please, here you are.



2-4/ Exercise 4

  • Ask your partner the questions below and report to the class about her/him :
Do you YES NO
1. like to go shopping for clothes?    
2. buy expensive clothes?    
3. buy things only when it is necessary?    
4. prefer to shop in big shopping centres?    
5. like to go to stores to see what's new?    
6. like to shop in many different stores?    
7. follow fashion trends?    
8. like to wear unusual clothes?    
9. look for bargains?    
10. buy a lot of clothes?