English : Common Core Classes

Unit 3 (Food) - Vocabulary



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Food 4 thought

1-2/ A second helping

1-3/ Food around the world

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2


I- Activities


1-1/ Food 4 thought

  1. Write the foods in the appropriate columns :

carrots - cereal - cheese - chicken - cream - eggs - green peppers - grapes - lamb - lettuce - milk - nuts - apples - bananas - beans - beef - bread - butter - cabbage - candy - pears - peas - potatoes - rice - strawberries - tomatoes - yogurt - oil - onions - oranges 


Potatoes - bananas – 




Beef - bread – 





1-2/ A second helping

  • Which words go together ? Match them :
  • a bottle of
  • a jar of
  • a loaf of
  • a kilogram of
  • a bar of
  • a head of
  • a can of
  • a bag of
  1. bread
  2. jam
  3. lettuce
  4. sardines 
  5. apples
  6. potato chips
  7. oil
  8. chocolate



1-3/ Food around the world

  1. Read the words and circle the odd one out. Justify your choice.

a. pepper - cumin - ketchup - saffron

b. chopsticks - forks - knives - glasses

c. host - guest - doctor - visitor

d. apple pie - pizza - ice-cream - chocolate cake

e. tomato soup - couscous - spaghetti - steak

  1. Make your own list and ask your partner to spot the odd one out.

II- Practice


2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Match the verbs with the appropriate nouns :
Verbs Nouns
  1. peel
  2. heat
  3. boil
  4. beat
  5. melt
  • a. butter
  • b.eggs
  • d.oven
  • g.potatoes
  • h. water