English : Common Core Classes

Unit 3 (Food) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Food 4 thought

1-2/ A second helping

1-3/ Food around the world

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2


I- Activities


1-1/ Food 4 thought

Grammar 1 : Some and Any



Activity 1
  • Write "True" or "False" :

Use some and any with countable and uncountable nouns : _________
Use some in negative sentences : _________
Use any in affirmative and interrogative sentences : _________



Activity 2
  • Fill in the blanks with some or any :

A: I want to go to the market to buy _______ vegetables.
B: What do we need?
A: We have _______ potatoes, but we don't have _______ tomatoes.
B: How about carrots? Do we have _______ carrots?
A: No, we don't have _______ carrots, but we have _______ green peppers.



1-2/ A second helping

Grammar 2: A Lot of/ Much/ Many



1-1/ A second helping

Activity 1
  • Fill in the blanks with a lot of, much or many :

1. How ________ eggs do you need?

2. There isn't ________ sugar in the kitchen, we need to buy some.

3. There aren't ________ Carrots in the fridge.

4. How ________ sugar do you put in your coffee?

5. There is ________ milk in the fridge.



1-3/ Food around the world

Grammar 3: A Few/ A Little



Activity 1
  • Underline the words which come after a few and a little :



Activity 2
  • Fill in the blanks with a few or a little :

Mary follows a strict diet. For breakfast, she usually drinks a cup of coffee with ________ cream and lumps of sugar. She also has ________ biscuits. For lunch she sometimes eats ________ salad, sardines and ________ bread. Mary never has dinner out. She usually has ________ soup at home.


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Fill in the blanks with some or any :

1. Are there ________ tomatoes in the fridge?
Yes, there are ________ .

2. I need ________ vegetables for couscous. I have ________ tomatoes, but there aren't ________ turnips in the kitchen. tomatoes, but there aren't ________ carrots either. I don't need to buy ________ meat because there is ________ in the fridge.