English : Common Core Classes

Unit 1 (Personal Relations) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Meeting People

1-2/ My Family

1-3/ Famous Relations

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Meeting People

Grammar 1: Verb to be / Possessive Adjectives



Activity 1
  • Find the name of the star :

Example : Who is number 1? He's Mohammed Ali.


  • Ask about the first name of the famous people.

Example :

A : What's his first name ?
B : It's __________________



1-2/ My Family

Grammar 2: Subject Pronouns VS Possessive Adjectives



Activity 1
  • Circle the correct words :

1- I'm Lawrence and Amanda is (your / my) sister.

2 - This is Amanda with (his / her) dog.

3 - We're Lawrence and Amanda. Tom and Liz are (our / their) cousins.

4 - How old is (your / its) grandmother ?

5 - This is Anna with (his / her) brother, Robin.

6 - Look at this cat. What's (its / their) name?

7 - Here are Uncle Lee and Aunt Kay with (our / their) children, Robin and Anna.



1-3/ Famous Relations

Grammar 3: Wh-questions



Activity 1
  • Complete this conversation, then compare with your partner :

Kate : ___________ that in the picture?
Linda : He's my brother.
Kate : Wow! He's handsome. ___________ ?
Linda : Robert. But we call him Bob.
Kate : ___________ ?
Linda : He's sixteen.
Kate : ___________ his favourite sport?
Linda : Basketball. His favourite player is Michael Jordan.


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Match the questions on the left with the answers on the right (Write the number of the question next to the corresponding answer) :
  1. How old are you?
  2. What does your mother look like?
  3. What nationality is Kofi Annan?
  4. What time is it?
  5. What's your address?
  6. What's your favourite colour?
  7. What's your occupation?
  8. What's your sister like?
___ a. He's Ghanian.
___ b. I'm 16.
_7_ c. I'm a doctor.
___ d. 46 Main Street, London.
___ e. She is very friendly.
___ f. It's a quarter to two.
___ g. She's average height.
___ h. Red.



2-2/ Exercise 2

Fill in the blanks with my, your, his, her, its, our, or their :



2-3/ Exercise 3


  • Find the errors in these sentences and correct them :

1. My name Melissa Brown : _______________________________

2. My sister she is a teacher : _______________________________

3. This my sister and this his husband : _______________________________

4. He's name's Jack Willis : _______________________________

5. They are in from Los Angeles : _______________________________

6. They're son he's a student : _______________________________