English : Common Core Classes

Unit 1 (Personal Relations) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Meeting People

1-2/ My Family

1-3/ Famous Relations

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2



I- Activities


1-1/ Meeting People

Functions: Introducing Yourself



Activity 1
  • Introduce yourself to a classmate :

Example :

A : Hi! I'm David waiter.
Please call me Dave.

B : Nice to meet you Dave.
And what's your last name again?

A : Walter W-A-L-T-E-R.



Activity 2
  • Have similar conversations with classmates :

A : John, this is Fred, my new friend.
B : Pleased to meet you, Fred.
C : Nice to meet you, John.



1-2/ My Family

Functions: Introducing Yourself 2



Activity 1
  • Ask your classmate about his/her family and friends.

Example :

A: What's your brother's name?
B: His name is Fouad.
A: How old is he?
B: He's 16.
A: What does he look like?
B: He's quite tall.



1-3/ Famous Relations

Functions: Describing People



Activity 1
  • Practise with your partner.
A: Who is he?
B : A. Schwarzenegger.
A : What does he look like?
B : He's very tall.
A: Who does he look like?
B : He looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger.



Activity 2
  • Now ask and answer questions about the people in the photos :

Jennifer Lopez - Brad Pitt - Meg Ryan - Madona - Ginger Spice


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Complete the following dialogue :

A : ____________________ , please?
B : Jimmy Brooks.
A : ____________________ Mr.Brooks?
B : J-I-M-M-Y
A : ____________________ ?
B : I'm Australian.
A : ____________________ in Australia?
B : From Sidney.
A : And ____________________ ?
B : I'm a truck driver.
A : ____________________ ?
B : I'm 25.
A : ____________________ ?
B : No, I'm single.
A : ____________________ ?
B : 243 Park Avenue.
A :And ____________________ ?
B : 555 678 999.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Now ask and answer questions.

Example :

A: Who is Hicham Elguerrouj?
B: He is a Moroccan athlete.
A: Excuse me?
B: He's an athlete from Morocco.