English : Common Core Classes

Unit 10 (Economy) - Writing



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Money and Banking

1-2/ Morocco in Numbers

1-3/ Tourism

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1


I- Activities


1-1/ Money and Banking

  • Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list :

account - money - payment - extra - interest - keep - safe - coin - save - day

Banks are places where people _________ their money. Just like a _________ bank at home, a bank puts your money all in one place and keeps it _________ .

Banks usually pay you to _________ your money with them. They pay you a little bit for each _________ you keep your money in their bank in a savings _________ . This _________ money the bank pays you is called _________ . In a way, interest is a _________ the bank gives you for not _________ your money.



1-2/ Morocco in Numbers

  • Your pen pal wants to know about your hometown. Use these questions to write him / her a message :

Where do you live?
Is it a city or a village?
Where is it? (North, South, ..
Is it near the sea?
How many people are there?
What is the most important activity there? (agriculture, industry, tourism....)



1-3/ Tourism

Look at the graph and answer the questions orally; then write a paragraph explaining the graph :

1. According to the graph, what is the approximate number of foreign visitors who came to Morocco in 2004?
2. What was the busiest month?
3. How many visitors came then?
4. What was the second busiest month?
5. How many tourists came then?
6. How can you explain these numbers?
7. What were the other peak months?
8. How many tourists visited Morocco then?
9. How can you explain this?
10. Which months had the lowest number of tourists?
11. How can you explain this?
12. What do you think the government can do to improve the situation?


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Use the information in the communication activities to write a paragraph about your family finances :