English : Common Core Classes

Unit 10 (Economy) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Money and Banking

1-2/ Morocco in Numbers

1-3/ Tourism

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Money and Banking




Activity 1
  • Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense :

1. Mr. Wilson works at National Bank. He rarely (go) _____________ home for lunch because his office (be) _____________ always busy. People (come) _____________ and (go) _____________ all the time, so he usually (have) _____________ a sandwich when he (find) _____________ a free moment. Today, Mr. Wilson (have) _____________ a very bad day at the office because he (do) _____________ everybody's job. Right now, he (answer) _____________ the telephone because the receptionist who usually (answer) _____________ it (be) _____________ at the dentist's.

2. A : What _____________ you _____________ next vacation? (do)
B : I _____________ around Morocco. (travel)
A : That's great! When _____________ you _____________ ? (leave)
B : I'm not sure. I _____________ probably _____________ by the end of this month. (leave)
A : And where _____________ you _____________ ? (go)
B : I _____________ to Ifran, Tangiers, and Marrakech. I guess I _____________ Agadir and Laayoun, too. (go / visit)
A : _____________ you _____________ with your family? (travel)
B : No. I _____________ by myself. I need some time alone. (travel)



1-2/ Morocco in Numbers




Activity 1
  • Linda and Vicky are talking about two department stores: Safeway and Bestbuy. Complete their conversation with the correct form of the words in brackets :

Linda : Let's go shopping at Bestbuy. It's (big) _____________ and (busy) _____________ store in town.
Vicky : Yes, I've already shopped there, but I didn't like it. I prefer Safeway. It's (popular) _____________ Bestbuy.
Linda : But the products at Bestbuy are (good) _____________ in town.
Vicky : Maybe their products are (good) _____________ the products at Safeway, but they are (expensive) _____________ in town.
Linda : I agree, the prices at Safeway are (reasonable) _____________ the prices at Bestbuy, but at Bestbuy, they sell (fashionable) _____________ clothes and (comfortable) _____________ furniture you can buy at any other stores.
Vicky : Maybe you're right. But salespeople at Safeway are (friendly) _____________ and (helpful) _____________ salespeople at Bestbuy. In fact, they're (nice) _____________ salespeople in town.



1-3/ Tourism




Activity 1
  • Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense :

A : _____________ you _____________ any vacation plans yet? (make)
B : Well, I _____________ to travel around Europe. (decide)
A : That's great! _____________ you _____________ the plane ticket yet? (buy)
B : Yes. I _____________ it last week. I _____________ already _____________ hotel reservations , but I _____________ my visa yet. (buy / make/ get)
A : _____________ you ever _____________ to Europe before? (be)
B : Yes, I _____________ already _____________ to Spain and France, but I _____________ never _____________ England and Germany. I'd really like to see these countries. (go / visit)
A : When _____________ you _____________ to Spain and France? (go)
B : Last summer. And guess what! I _____________ my English teacher while I _____________ in Paris. It _____________ a big surprise, (meet / sightsee / be)
A : Well, It's a small world!


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Write the verbs in brackets in the Simple Present,the simple past or the Present Perfect :

William Colgate (found) _____________  the Colgate Company in 1806. For the first hundred years, the company (do) _____________  all its business in the United States; then it (begin) _____________  its expansion to Europe, Latin America and the Far east. Recently it (setup) _____________  operations in Turkey, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Eastern Europe and China. Colgate Palmolive (become) _____________  a global company selling in more than 160 countries.

As a result of the company's heavy investment in research and technology, it (develop) _____________  many successful toothpastes, rinses and toothbrushes. For many years,the company (have) _____________  strong dental education programmes in schools throughout the world. For the last three years, the company (be) _____________  a major sponsor of the International Dental Congress.

The company (always pay) _____________  close attention to the environment. It (make) _____________  great progress in recyclable bottles and packaging materials. It (be) _____________  now one of the most responsible companies in the United States.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form :

1. Recently, the Moroccan government (base) _____________ its economic policy on tourism.
2. Morocco (expect) _____________ to receive 10.000 000 tourists in 2010.
3. The government (try) _____________ to build the appropriate infrastructure to receive them.
4. Right now, they (build) _____________ new highways.
5. In a few years, Tangier (have) _____________ the biggest harbour in Africa.
6. Work on the harbour (already /start).
7. In a few years, the harbour (provide) _____________ many job opportunities.
8. Every summer millions of people (cross) _____________ the straight of Gibraltar.
9. Building a tunnel or a bridge between Spain and Morocco (have) _____________ positive effects on the Moroccan economy.
10. This is a project that the two countries (start) _____________ working on many years ago.



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct form :

1. The (close) _____________ European country to Morocco is Spain.
2. Algeria is (large) _____________ Morocco, but The Sudan is (large) _____________ country in Africa.
3. Casablanca is (big) _____________ city in Morocco. It has (high) _____________ number of people in the country.
4. It has the second (large) _____________ mosque in the world.
5. It is also (polluted) _____________ city in the country because its streets are (busy) _____________.
6. In a few years, Agadir will have (attractive) _____________ tourist resorts in the region.
7. It is not as (hot) _____________ Marrakech, and the streets are (clean) _____________.
8. Nightlife in Agadir is as (exciting) _____________ nightlife in Marrakech.