English : Common Core Classes

Unit 10 (Economy) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Money and Banking

1-2/ Morocco in Numbers

1-3/ Tourism

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1


I- Activities


1-1/ Money and Banking

Activity 1
  • Complete the survey below, and get ready to give an oral presentation about your answers. Your classmates will ask you questions. First rehearse with your group.

1- Tick the things you most like to spend your money on :

Cinema / theatre visits


Sweets or chocolate

Shoes (trainers)

Computer games

Sporting events (football matches ... etc.)


Mobile phone cards


Cosmetics and toiletries




2- When you see some expensive trainers, you :

save your money until you can afford them.

ask your parents many times until they buy them for you.

ask for them as a present on your birthday or a feast.

offer to do odd jobs around the house to earn the money to buy them.

3- Have you ever done the following ?

sold something you don't need.

earned money from doing odd jobs around the house,

bought something after you saw it in a TV commercial.

earned money from a weekend or holiday job



Activity 2
  • Do you think parents must give children a regular allowance? Why? Or why not?



1-2/ Morocco in Numbers




Activity 1
  • Practise these conversations :

Conversation 1 (Map 1)

A : Excuse me, where can I get some cakes?
B : Why don't you go to the bakery?
A : Could you tell me where it is?
B : Walk up Baker Street and you'll see it on the right, across from the park.

Conversation 2 (Map 2)

B : Excuse me, where can I get a some bread?
A : Why don't you go to the bakery?
B : How can I get there?
A : Walk down Park Street and you'll see it on the right, across from the hotel.



Activity 2

Look at your cue card and follow the instructions to have conversations with your partner :



1-3/ Tourism




Activity 1
  • Practise these conversations :

Conversation 1 (Map 1)

A : Excuse me, where can I get some cakes?
B : Why don't you go to the bakery?
A : Could you tell me where it is?
B : Walk up Baker Street and you'll see it on the right, across from the park.

Conversation 2 (Map 2)

B : Excuse me, where can I buy some bread?
A : Why don't you go to the bakery?
B : How can I get there?
A : Walk down Park Street and you'll see it on the right, across from the hotel.



Activity 2

Look at your cue card and follow the instructions to have conversations with your partner :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • How much money does your family spend every year? Ask your parents to help you fill in the expenses, and be ready to report to the class the result of the questionnaire :
Bills electricity
Food bread
vegetables and fruit
other groceries
Transportation gas for the car
Transportation bus/train/ taxi
Medical care doctor visits
Children's schooling books
school fees
Leisure activities cinema
cafe / restaurant