English : Common Core Classes

Unit 9 (Environment & Ecology) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Pollution

1-2/ Deforestation

1-3/ Save the Planet

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3

2-4/ Exercise 4

2-5/ Exercise 5


I- Activities


1-1/ Pollution




Activity 1

In which sentences are yet, already, ever, and never used in the conversation ? Check the appropriate box :

  Yet Already Ever Never



Activity 2
  • Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets :

1. Mother : _________ you _________ out the garbage yet, Debbie? (take)
Debbie : Yes, I _________ already _________ It out, but the garbage truck _________ already it yet. (take / not collect)

2. Teacher : _________ anybody in class ever _________ to the Amazon forest? (go)
Tom : I _________ never _________ there, but I _________ already _________ already a documentary about it on TV. (be / see)

3. Bill : _________ your father _________ writing that book on desertification yet? (finish)
Jack : Yes, he _________ already _________ it. It's in the bookstores now. (publish)

4. Mary : _________ you _________ the environment program yet? (start)
Kate : Yes, we _________ already _________ the beach. Next week, we are planting trees in the park. (clean)



1-2/ Deforestation




Activity 1
  • Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets :


A : _________ you ever _________ a camel? (ride)
B : Yes, I _________ I _________ one last summer when I _________  in the Sahara , (ride / be)


A : _________ your father _________ the garden yet? (finish)
B : Yes, he He _________ some flowers yesterday, but he _________ them yet. (plant / not water)


A : _________ John _________ that report on the African gorillas yet? (finish)
B : Yes. he _________ . He _________ it last week. He _________ already _________ another one on the pandas. (finish / begin)


A : _________ firefighters _________ out that forest fire yet? (put)
B : Yes, they _________ . They _________ it out last night. (put)


A : _________ your school ever _________ in an environment project? (participate)
B : Yes. We _________ 1000 trees in our neighbourhood last month. (plant)



Activity 2
  • Write two things you have never done, two things you want to do but haven't done yet, and two things you have already done to help the environment.



1-3/ Save the Planet




Activity 1
  • Match the clauses in column A with the appropriate information in column B :
  1. What you throw out in your garbage....
  2. Water pollution in rivers, lakes and seas....
  3. The Maamora forest may disappear....
  4. If we don't protect some species, ...
  5. If you use low-energy light bulbs, ....
  6. People may save money and energy if....
  7. If you live in a polluted city, ....
  8. Elephants may disappear from Africa if ....
a. you may risk getting cancer.
b. we keep hunting them.
c. if people continue cutting it down.
d. they may become extinct.
e. may be recycled and reused.
f. you may save electricity.
g. if they walk or ride bicycles to work.
h. may kill fish and other organisms.


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Read the passage below to answer this question : What does Mrs. Smith do to save electricity and water?



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Reread the text, and then write what has "already" happened and what hasn't happened "yet".

1. Mrs. Smith hasn't had dinner yet.

2. She has already watched her favourite serial.

3. _________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________

9. _________________________________________________________________

10. _________________________________________________________________



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Write full sentences to answer the following questions. Give real answers using "already", " yet” or "never".

1. Have you ever planted a tree?


2. Have you ever saved an animal?


3. Have you ever participated in an environment campaign?


4. Have you ever seen a forest fire?


5. Have you ever watched a documentary on deforestation?


6. Have you ever thought of recycling garbage?




2-4/ Exercise 4

  • Put the verbs in the past simple or the present perfect :

Reporter : Good afternoon listeners. The fire in Oak forest is still spreading; I (never/see) ______________ a fire like that in my life. It (start) ______________ six hours ago, and the firefighters (put out/it) ______________ yet. They (use) ______________ all their equipment, but the wind is making things very difficult. With me is Mr. John McGregor, one of the firefighters. I'm going to ask him a few questions. Mr. McGregor, when do you think the fire (start) ______________ ?

McGregor : We (get) ______________ the first emergency call at 4:00 a.m. The fire probably started an hour earlier. This is the second time this forest catches fire. Last year, we (have) ______________ a similar problem in this area, and we (not/find out) ______________ the cause of the disaster yet.

Reporter : How much time will it take before you put it out?

McGregor : It all depends on the wind. Actually, we (never/have) ______________ a strong wind like this one in the region. Last year, it (take) ______________ only four hours to extinguish the fire, but the wind (not be) ______________ so strong.

Reporter : Thank you Mr. McGregor. Now, listeners, as you have heard, this seems to be the worst disaster this region (ever/know) ______________. Many people in the village nearby (already/leave) ______________ their homes, hoping that they will be able to come back soon.



2-5/ Exercise 5

  • Put the verbs in the past simple or the present perfect :

A : ______________ you ______________ (finish) your evening chores yet?

B : I ______________ (already / take out) the garbage and I ______________ (also / water) the garden, but (not walk) the dog yet.

A : When ______________ (you / take out) the garbage?

B : I ______________ (take it out) an hour ago; at 6:00, and I ______________ (water) the garden at 6:30.

A : I ______________ (walk) my dog yet, either; so we can go together.