English : Common Core Classes

Unit 9 (Environment & Ecology) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Pollution

1-2/ Deforestation

1-3/ Save the Planet

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1


I- Activities


1-1/ Pollution

Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation :

A : Have you ever travelled alone ?
B : Yes, I have.
A : When did you do that?
B : Last year.
A : I have never travelled alone, but I'll do it very soon.



Activity 2
  • Mask your partner's cue card, look at your own card and follow instructions to have more conversations :



1-2/ Deforestation

Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation :

A : Have you done your homework yet?
B : Yes, I have already done it.
A : Lucky you! When did you do it?
B : I did it this afternoon.
A : I haven't done it yet. I need to do it right away.



Activity 2
  • Mask your partner's cue card, look at your own card and follow instructions to have more conversations :



1-3/ Save the Planet




Activity 1
  • Practice this conversation :

A : Do you think it's too late to save the planet?
B : I'm not sure, but it may be too late.
A : Why do you think so?
B : People are not doing anything to save it.
A : What do you think they can do?
B : They could plant more trees.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Read each of the four statements below, and check the appropriate response (a or b) :

1."We can convince people to be more careful about the environment."

  • a. Yes, we have the right to do this.
  • b. Yes, it is possible to do this.

2. "Long term planning may save the Argan tree."

  • a. Yes, only planning will make this possible.
  • b. Yes, we have the permission to do this.

3. "It's not too late; many endangered species could be saved."

  • a. You're right; many endangered species were saved in the past.
  • b. Yes, it is still possible to save many endangered species.

4. "Wind could be used to produce a cleaner energy, so why don't we use it?"

  • a. I agree with you; this was a possible solution in the past.
  • b. I agree; this is a possible solution to the problem of pollution.