English : Common Core Classes

Unit 8 (Science & Technology) - Writing



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Great Scientists

1-2/ Inventions

1-3/ New Technologies



1-1/ Great Scientists

  • Use the questions below to write Einstein's biography :

1. When and where was Albert Einstein born?
2. Where did he study?
3. When did he graduate?
4. Who did he marry?5. Where did he live in the US?
6. When did he get the Nobel Prize?
7. What was he famous for?
8. When and where did he die?



1-2/ Inventions

  • Reorder the following sentences to write a paragraph about how potato chips were invented. There is one sentence which you must NOT include in your paragraph :

___ a. He said that they were not thin enough and cooked enough.
___ b. A chef cook invented them.
___ c. The chef got very angry and sliced the potatoes paper-thin, and cooked them for a long time.
___ d. The customer did not like the potatoes and sent them back.
___ e. He wanted to teach the customer a lesson, but he got a very big surprise : the customer liked the potatoes and asked for more.
___ f . This is how potato chips were born !
_1_ g. The invention of potato chips was accidental.
___ h. Many people like potatoes.
___ i. One day, the chef was working when one of the customers ordered potatoes.
___ j. The chef prepared another dish of potatoes, but the customer reacted in the same way.



1-3/ New Technologies

  • Read Tom's e-mail to Melissa, then write Melissa's answer using the questions below :

1. Was it easy to find the website on the net?
2. Were the instructions clear?
3. How many steps were there?
4. Which step(s) was the most difficult?
5. How much time did it take you to create the site?
6. What's your website address?