English : Common Core Classes

Unit 8 (Science & Technology) - Reading



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Great Scientists

1-1/ Reading 1

1-2/ Reading 2

II- Inventions

2-1/ Reading 1

2-2/ Reading 2

III- New Technologies

3-1/ Reading 1

3-2/ Reading 2


I- Great Scientists


1-1/ Reading 1


  • Write "True" or "False" :

Marie Curie was French : ___________

Her husband was French : ___________

She won the Nobel Prize in 1911 : ___________



1-2/ Reading 2


  • Fill out Pasteur's bio sketch :
Personal information   Education and Career
Name                        Schools attended                     
Date of birth     1842  
Place of birth     1849  
Wife's name     1881  
Children     1885  
Date of death     1888  


II- Inventions


2-1/ Reading 1


  • Write "True" or "False" :

There are four inventions in the dialogue : ___________

Percy Spencer wanted to invent the microwave oven : ___________

The doctor had a headache when he discovered Coca Cola : ___________

Constantin Fahlberg discovered saccharin by chance : ___________



2-2/ Reading 2


  1. Who helped Thomas Edison with his studies?


  1. Why did he hire others to sell goods on the trains?


  1. In which year did he invent the electric light bulb?


  1. How old was he when he died?



III- New Technologies


3-1/ Reading 1


  1. What did Melissa do yesterday?


  1. How did she find Jane's website?


  1. Who helped Jane create her website?


  1. Does Melissa know how to make a website?


  1. What can she do to make one?




3-2/ Reading 2


  1. How old was Bill Gates when he created his own company?


  1. Match the dates with the appropriate events.
  1. 1955
  2. 1970
  3. 1975
  4. 1980
  5. 1985
a. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created Microsoft.
b. Bill Gates' year of birth.
c. Bill Gates created Windows.
d. Microsoft started working for IBM.
e. Bill Gates and Paul Allen created their first company.
  1. What do these acronyms stand for?

MS-DOS : _________________________________________________________
IBM : _________________________________________________________
PC : _________________________________________________________

  1. The words below are underlined in the text. What do they refer to?

Paragraph 1: they : __________________________
Paragraph 2: its : __________________________
Paragraph 3: its : __________________________

  1. Write "True" or "False" :

Microsoft is a company that designs computers : _________
IBM created MS-DOS : _________
Before the invention of windows, computer users had to type instructions : _________