English : Common Core Classes

Unit 8 (Science & Technology) - Vocabulary



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Great Scientists

1-2/ Inventions

1-3/ New Technologies

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2


I- Activities


1-1/ Great Scientists

  • Read each series of words and circle the odd one out. Justify your choice :

1. chemist - physics - mathematician - scientist - doctor


2. physics - chemistry - economics - laboratory - mathematics


3. rabies - typhoid - vaccine - fever - cancer


4. polytechnic - university - college - graduation - institute


5. microscope - laboratory - experiment - microbe - vaccine




1-2/ Inventions

  • Write the nouns for the following verbs. Follow the example :

1. analyze : ___________________
2. announce : ___________________
3. develop : ___________________
4. discover : ___________________
5. exhibit : ___________________
6. experiment : ___________________
7. graduate : graduation
8. infect : ___________________
9. invent : ___________________
10. publish : ___________________



1-3/ New Technologies

Use the following words to label the items in the picture :

2. CD-ROM drive
3. disk drive
4. floppy disk
5. keyboard
6. memory
7. modem
8. monitor
9. mouse
10. printer
11. speaker


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Complete the paragraph with words from the list. Use each word only once :

faxes - chat group - battery - laptop- on-line- screen - World Wide Web - Internet - modem

I just bought a ____________ computer. It's a small computer; so I can take it everywhere with me. It has a ____________ ; so I can use it without electricity for a whole day. It has a colour ____________ and it's not harmful for the eyes. It also has a ____________ inside. If I want to send ____________ , I can send them electronically, and I can connect to the ____________ . It's really great. I can go ____________ anytime and anywhere and I can use the ____________ to find information about any subject area. I just joined a ____________ on water sports and the information we exchange is really interesting.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Find the relation between two words from each list; then write a sentence. The first one is an example :

1. photocopies - e-mail - Xerox - machines - television
People use Xerox machines to make photocopies.

2. products - satellites - TV - programs - budget

3. robots - criminals - tasks - letters

4. weather - encyclopedia - CD-ROM - CD - player

5. food - job - microwave - oven - screen

6. money - ATM - report - telephone

7. phone - line - camera - cards - photos