English : Common Core Classes

Unit 8 (Science & Technology) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Great Scientists

1-2/ Inventions

1-3/ New Technologies

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3

2-4/ Exercise 4


I- Activities


1-1/ Great Scientists




Activity 1
  • Complete the following sentences with the correct question tag :

1. You like science, ____________________?
2. Albert Einstein wasn't an astronaut, ____________________?
3. Marie Curie won the Nobel Prize, ____________________?
4. That was in 1903, ____________________?
5. At that time people didn't have computers, ____________________?
6. The Russians weren't the first to walk on the moon, ____________________?
7. Physics and mathematics are difficult, ____________________?
8. Computer science is more interesting, ____________________?



1-2/ Inventions




Activity 1
  • Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense :

We had a very unlucky day yesterday :

- When my mother (do) __________ the laundry, the washing machine suddenly (stop) __________ .

- I (buy) __________ some CDs at the department store when someone (steal) __________ my wallet.

- My father (work) __________ on his computer when the memory (go) __________ out.

- While my elder brother (take) __________ some pictures, he (drop) __________ his new digital camera.

- My younger sister (watch) __________ TV when the electricity (go) __________ out.

- My younger brother (have) __________ a bad accident while he (drive) __________ and (talk) __________ on his cell phone.

- When my elder sister (vacuum) __________ she (have) __________ a bad electric shock.



1-3/ New Technologies




Activity 1
  • Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reflexive pronoun :

1. Albert Einstein taught _____________ Euclidian geometry when he was 12 years old.

2. Before the invention of TV people occupied _____________ with reading books.

3. Alice burned _____________ when she was using her microwave.

4. You can install the program _____________ , Jim. Just follow the instructions on the screen.

5. I am saving money because I want to buy _____________ a computer.

6. You don't need to remove the CD. The CD player stops by _____________ .

7. Jane : Mum, Betty and I have a school project. Can you help us do it?
Mother : You have to do it _____________ . Use the Internet for information.
Jane : OK, Mum. We'll try and do it _____________ .


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Complete the sentences as in the example :

1. You are studying for the test, aren't you ?
2. Your father teaches science, ______________?
3. You don't have a computer, ______________?
4. Science is easier than mathematics, ______________?
5. Jane bought a new cell phone last week, ______________?
6. You can't use a computer, ______________?
7. Your brother will study chemistry at the university, ______________?
8. Marie Curie was a great scientist, ______________?
9. You can store an encyclopedia in a CD-ROM, ______________?
10. Your CD player is new, ______________?
11. Chemistry isn't as difficult as physics, ______________?
12. You didn't use this fax machine, ______________?
13. Your sister will not buy a new digital camera, ______________?
14. Alice has to fax these documents, ______________?
15. John didn't send us an e-mail, ______________?
16. Satellites are used to transmit telephone calls, ______________?
17. It's easy to use a fax machine, ______________?
18. Many inventions were accidental, ______________?
19. Your brother doesn't like video games, ______________?
20. Video games aren't a new invention, ______________?



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Circle the correct verbs in brackets :

1. While I (worked / was working) on my computer last night, it (stopped / was stopping).

2. My sister (did / was doing) her homework when the electricity (went / was going) out.

3. Somebody (was stealing / stole) my bicycle when I (shopped / was shopping).

4. My brother (dropped / was dropping) his new camera while he (took / was taking) photos.

5. When I (was driving / drove) to Fes, I (was having / had) a flat tire.

6. My son (broke / was breaking) his leg while he (played / was playing) football.

7. When my father (worked / was working), he (was receiving / received) an urgent message.

8. My neighbours (ate / were eating) dinner when someone (broke / was breaking) into their house and (was stealing / stole) all their jewels.

9. I (walked / was walking) out of the school when I (met / was meeting) my ex-teacher.

10. While I (jog / was jogging) in the park, I (found / was finding) 200 dirhams.



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Choose the correct word in brackets and circle it :

1. I cut (himself / myself) when I was fixing the computer.

2. My wife burned (himself / herself) while she was cooking last night.

3. While my children were playing football this morning, they fell and hurt (themselves / ourselves)

4. My neighbour has a serious heart disease because he didn't take care of (himself / yourself) when he was younger.

5. Please, do (myself / yourself) a favour! Stop smoking.

6. You don't need to help us. We can fix our computer (myself / ourselves).



2-4/ Exercise 4

  • Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense :

Yesterday, while I (sit) ___________ in a cafe at the corner of Sebou Street and Maamora Street, I (see) ___________ an accident. A young woman in a Mercedes (drive) ___________ down Sebou Street very fast. While she (drive) ___________ , her cell phone (ring) ___________

She (try) ___________ to reach for the phone when it (fall) ___________ and (roll) ___________ under the brake pedal. At the same time, a woman in a new Toyota (come) ___________ along Maamora Street. She (not stop) ___________ at the red light because she (talk) ___________ on her cell phone.

The young woman in the Mercedes (can / not) ___________ stop the car and (crash) ___________ into the Toyota. The two women (get) ___________ off the cars and (begin) ___________ arguing. While they (shout) ___________ at each other, the police (come) ___________. Both cars (be) ___________ badly damaged, but luckily, nobody (be) ___________ hurt.