English : Common Core Classes

Unit 7 (Arts) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Biographies

1-2/ More Artists

1-3/ Focus on Music

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Biographies




Activity 1
  • Fill in the blanks with the verb to be in the past :

A : When _______ you born?
B : I _______ born in 1889.
A : What _______ your occupation?
B : I _______ a film maker, an actor and a music composer.
A : Who _______ your parents?
B : My father _______ Charles Chaplin Sr., and my mother _______ Hannah Hill.
A : _______ they artists, too?
B : Yes they _______ . They _______ musical hall entertainers.



1-2/ More Artists




Activity 1

Read the example about Tony; then ask and answer questions about Meg and Bob :

Example :

1. Did Tony stay at home?
Yes he did.

2. Did he watch a movie?
No he didn't.

3. What did he do in the morning?
He cleaned his room.

4. What did he revise?
He revised his Lessons.

5. When did he surf the Internet?
He surfed the Internet in the evening.



1-3/ Focus on Music




Activity 1
  • Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs :

A: __________ you __________ to school yesterday? (go)
B: No, I __________ It __________ my day off (do not / be)
A: What __________ you __________ in the morning? (do)
B: I __________ to music and __________ some letters. (listen / write)
A: __________ you __________ out in the afternoon? (go)
B: Yes. I __________ my friends and we __________ to the movies. (meet / go)
A: What film __________ you __________ ? (see)
B: We __________ the new Brad Pitt movie. (see)
A: How __________ you __________ it? (like)
B: It __________ terrific. (be)


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Complete the conversation with the correct form of the verbs in brackets :

Maria : Where (you / be) ____________  yesterday afternoon? I (call) ____________ , but nobody (answer) ____________  the phone.
Betty : I (not be) ____________  home. I (be) ____________  at the cinema.
Maria : Who (you / be) ____________  with? (you / be) ____________  alone?
Betty : No. I (be) ____________  with Alan.
Maria : What (be) ____________  the movie Like?
Betty : The story (be) ____________  exciting, the music (be) ____________  excellent, and the actors (be) ____________  great. It (be) ____________  terrific!
Maria : Who (be) ____________  the actors?
Betty : Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster, Brad Pitt, and Penelope Cruise.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tense :

Bryan Adams is from Canada. He (leave) _________  school when he (be) _________  sixteen years old and (work) _________  as a gardener. He (start) _________  his career as a singer when he (be) _________  eighteen and he (become) _________  famous in 1987 when he (make) _________  his first album, " Reckless". After "Reckless", he (disappear) _________  for a while and no one (hear) _________  about him, until 1991 when he (sing) _________  "Everything I Do, I Do It for You". The song (be) _________  a great success. After that he (go) _________  on a world tour and (give) _________  performances in many countries around the world. Today Bryan Adams is back in Canada enjoying his success.



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs from the list :

be - get - move - introduce - notice - join - become - begin - start - earn

Fairuz was born in Jabal Alarz on the 21st of November 1935. A couple of years later, her parents _________ to Beirut where her father _________ a job at Le Jour print house. They _________ poor but they were happy. As a kid, she _________ to sing the songs of Asmahan and Layla Mourad. When she went to school, she _________ the school's choir.

Later, Fairuz joined the conservatoire, but her education there didn't last long. She soon _________ singing in the Lebanese radio station where she _________ a salary of 100 Liras a month.

One of the station's managers, Halim Elrumi, _________  the potential of her voice. So he _________ her to Rahbani brothers who started composing songs for her. They soon _________ famous around the world.