English : Common Core Classes

Unit 7 (Arts) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Biographies

1-2/ More Artists

1-3/ Focus on Music

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3

2-4/ Exercise 4


I- Activities


1-1/ Biographies




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation with your partner :

A : Do you know Pablo Picasso?
B : No, I don't. Who is he?
A : He was a Spanish painter.
B : When was he born?
A : He was born in 1881.
B : Where was he born?
A : He was born in Malaga.
B : What else do you know about him?
A : He was the founder of the cubism school.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :



1-2/ More Artists

Activity 1
  • Answer the following questions :

A : When were you born?
B : _________________________________________________________________
A : Where were you born?
B : _________________________________________________________________
A : When did you attend primary school?
B : _________________________________________________________________
A : Where was it?
B : _________________________________________________________________
A : What was your favourite subject? A: When was he/ she born?
B : _________________________________________________________________
A : Who was your favourite teacher?
B : _________________________________________________________________



Activity 2
  • Meet another classmate and have conversations about you partners :

A : Who is your partner?

B : _________________________________________________________________

A : When was he/ she born?

B : _________________________________________________________________

A : _________________________________________________________________ etc



1-3/ Focus on Music




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation :

A : What did you do last weekend?
B : I went to the museum.
A : Who did you go with?
B : With my brother.
A : What time did you go?
B : We went at 4:00.
A : What did you see there?
B : We saw beautiful paintings.
A : How did you like it?
B : It was exciting.



Activity 2

These are your schedules for last Weekend. Ask and answer questions :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Complete this questionnaire :

1. Which actor or actress do you like best?

2. Who is your favourite singer?

3. What kind of music do you like best?

4. What movie made you feel sad?

5. What movie made you cry?

6. What movie made you laugh a lot?

7. What movie scared you?

8. What painting do you like best?

9. Who is your favourite painter?

10. What kind of art form do you like best?



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • In pairs, compare your questionnaires and ask and answer questions :

Example :

A : Which actor or actress do you like best?
B : Charlie Chaplin.
A : Really? Why?
B : He's very funny and he makes me laugh.



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Work in pairs. Use the verbs in the box and ask each other about what you did yesterday :

go - have - work - wash - watch - clean - meet - cook - read - play - visit - buy - listen to - do

Example :

A : What did you do yesterday evening?
B : I listened to music What about you? Did you read a book?
A : No I didn't. I did my homework.



2-4/ Exercise 4

  • Ask two classmates the following questions and take notes. Report the similarities and differences to the class :

1. What kind of music do you like?
2. Is there any kind of music that you don't like?
3. What types of music do people listen to in Morocco?
4. Is there a type of music that you can hear only in Morocco?
5. How many types of movies can you name?
6. Which one is your favourite?
7. What's the last movie you saw?
8. When did you see it?
9. What was it about?
10. Did you like it?
11. How often do you visit museums?
12. When was the last time you went to a museum?
13. When was the last time you went to a play?