English : Common Core Classes

Unit 6 (Health & Welfare) - Grammar



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Health Problems

1-2/ At the Doctor's

1-3/ Health around the World

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3

2-4/ Exercise 4

2-5/ Exercise 5


I- Activities


1-1/ Health Problems




Activity 1

Look at the picture and practise :

Example :

A : What's the matter?
B : I have a toothache.
A : Can you go to work?
B : No, I can't. I must see the dentist.
A : What's wrong?
B : I have a terrible cough.
A : Can you go to school?
B : No, I can't. I must see the doctor.


Activity 2
  • Complete the conversations with can / can't or must / mustn't :


Nurse : __________ I help you?
Mike : Yes. I'd like to see Dr. Green.
Nurse : Tm sorry. Dr. Green. __________ see you right now. You __________ have an appointment. __________ you come in tomorrow?
Mike : No. I __________ make it tomorrow. I __________ go to work.
Nurse : How about this Friday morning? __________ you come in then?
Mike : All right. That would be fine.


Jim : __________ I watch T.V after dinner, Mum?
Mother : No, you __________ . You __________ go to bed early.
Jim : I don't have class tomorrow, Mum.
Mother : Yes, but you __________ stay up late. It's not good for you.



Activity 3
  • Complete the sentences with: because, but, and, or so :

Jamila has a sore throat, ______ she can't sing today.
Amine must see the doctor ______ he is sick.
Nawal can play the piano, ______ she can't play the guitar.
Bill has the flu, ______ his sister has an earache.
Alice can't see the doctor ______ she doesn't have an appointment.
Alan is very sick, ______ he can't go to work.
The doctor is here, ______ he can't see you now.
Samir has a fever, a runny nose, ______ a sore throat.



1-2/ At the Doctor's




Activity 1
  • Fill in the blanks with may, may not, have to, has to, or don't / doesn't have to :

1. Peter has a terrible cough. He ______ stop smoking.

2. You ______ see an ophthalmologist; your eyes are red.

3. Mike is very tired and cannot concentrate, so he ______ go home, but he ______ take any medicine. He just ______ take a rest.

4. Doctor : You ______ leave the hospital and go home now, but come for a check up next week.
Patient : ______ I go to work?
Doctor : No, you ______ . You ______ stay in bed for another two days.
Patient : Are you going to give me a prescription?
Doctor : No, you ______ take any medicine; just relax.



1-3/ Health around the World




Activity 1
  • Make sentences with these words :

1. If your tooth/ache/go to bed

2. If you / feel better / not stay in bed

3. If you/ not feel better/ not get up

4. If your back / hurt / not do/ any sport

5. Visit the doctor / if you / get worse

6. If Fatiha / have cold / can take/ orange juice



Activity 2
  • Write the verbs in brackets in the correct form :

1. If you (not feel) ______________ better, (come) ______________ and see me again.

2. If your head (start ) ______________ to hurt, (stop) ______________ for a few minutes.

3. If you (walk) ______________ in the rain, you (may catch) ______________ cold.

4. (call) ______________ the doctor immediately if your nose (bleed) ______________.

5. you (can take) ______________ an aspirin if you (not be) ______________ allergic.

6. If Peter (have) ______________ a sore throat, he (must take) ______________ some honey.


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Match the words on the left with the appropriate sentence :
  • a. Ability
  • b. Permission
  • c. Prohibition
  • d. Necessity
  • e. Obligation
  1. People with diabetes mustn't fast in Ramadan.
  2. Some people must go on a diet to lose weight.
  3. Some traditional doctors can cure very serious illnesses.
  4. You may not drive if you take certain medicines.
  5. You have to have a prescription if you want to get certain drugs.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Fill in the blanks with can, can't, must, or mustn't :

1. Peter : _________ I go to work today?
Dr Green : No you _________ , you _________ stay in bed for another two days.

2. I _________ see the doctor today because I have a terrible backache.

3. Doctor : You have sore eyes, so you _________ watch TV for three days.
Patient : _________ I read newspapers?
Doctor : You _________ read, either. Your eyes are too tired.

4. Susan : _________ I go to the beach this afternoon, mum?
John : No, you _________ . You _________ go to the dentist.

5. Children _________ stay up too late; it's not good for their health.



2-3/ Exercise 3

Fill in the blanks with mustn't or doesn't/don't have to :

1. This vitamin is good for you, but you _________ take it if you don't want to.

2. She feels good now, but she _________ go to school today; May 1st is a day off.

3. You _________ leave the hospital before the doctor sees you.

4.1 know you have a terrible toothache, but you _________ scream so loudly.

5. You may drink tea if you want to, but you _________ drink coffee.



2-4/ Exercise 4

  • Fill in the blanks with may, may not, has to or don't/doesn't have to :

1. Jane is getting fat; she _________ stop eating candy.

2. Student : _________ I go home; I have a headache.
Teacher: Yes, you _________ leave, but you _________ do your homework for tomorrow.

3.Secretary : You _________ miss your appointment with the doctor. You _________ be here at 3:00 sharp.

4. Doctor : You _________ stay in bed; you _________ go out, but you _________ drink coffee or tea. You _________ take vitamin C.

5. Doctor : Your son has a fever; he _________ stay at home today. He _________ stay in bed, but he _________ take these pills.



2-5/ Exercise 5

  • Complete the following sentences :

1. If you feel tired, _________________________________________________________________

2. You can go home if _________________________________________________________________

3. If you don't have an appointment, _________________________________________________________________

4. Don't practise any sport if _________________________________________________________________

5. You may not watch TV if _________________________________________________________________