English : Common Core Classes

Unit 6 (Health & Welfare) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Health Problems

1-2/ At the Doctor's

1-3/ Health around the World

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3

2-4/ Exercise 4


I- Activities


1-1/ Health Problems




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation :

A : What's the matter?
B : I don't feel well.
A : Why don't you go out and see a movie?
B : That's a good idea / suggestion. Or I don't think it's a good idea. I must study for my English test.



Activity 2

Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :



1-2/ At the Doctor's




Activity 1
  • Practise these conversations with your partner :

Teacher : What's wrong?
Student : I have a headache. May I go to the chemist's?
Teacher : Yes, you may, but you must come back quickly.
Student : Do I have to?
Teacher : Yes, you do/ have to. You have to finish your work.


Mother : What's the matter?
Child : I don't feel very well. May I go to bed?
Mother : No, you may not. You must revise your lessons first.
Child : Do I have to?
Mother : Yes, you do / have to. You have a test tomorrow.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :



1-3/ Health around the World




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation with your partner :

A : Jerry, will you please do me a favour?
B : What is it?
A : I have a terrible headache. Do you think you could help?
B : Sure. Do you need me to call the doctor?
A : That would be great.
A : You look tired. Would you like me to call the doctor?
B : Please don't bother. I just need a rest.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Rewrite the following conversation using these expressions :

Not too good - What's the matter? - That's too bad

Doctor : How do you feel Maggie?
Maggie : I feel terrible.
Doctor : What's wrong?
Maggie : I have a fever and a headache.
Doctor : I'm sorry to hear that. I'll give you a prescription. You'll be fine



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Read the following suggestions and check the appropriate response :

A- Why don't you go home and relax ?

  1. Because I don't have time.
  2. That's a good idea.
  3. I'm sorry to hear that.

B- How about taking some vitamins ?

  1. That's a good suggestion.
  2. I'd like some.
  3. I don't think so.

C- Let's go downtown and do some shopping!

  1. I don't agree with you.
  2. I'm happy to hear that.
  3. I don't think it's a good idea.



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Write appropriate responses to the following requests for and offers to help.


A : I have a terrible headache. Could you telephone the doctor for me, please?
B : (accept to help)


A : Will you please do me a favour? I need someone to give me a lift.
B : (you can't because your car is at the mechanic's)


A : Would you like me to call the doctor?
B : (don't accept and give a reason)


A : Do you need me to take out the garbage?
B : (accept the offer)



2-4/ Exercise 4

  • Complete the following conversations :

Doctor : How are you feeling today?
Patient : _________________________________________________________________
Doctor : What's the matter?
Patient : _________________________________________________________________
Doctor : Let me see. Open your mouth. Do you have a fever?
Patient : _________________________________________________________________
Doctor : That's right; you don't have a fever, but your throat is swollen.
Patient : _________________________________________________________________ ?
Doctor : No, it's not serious. Here, take these pills, and you'll be fine very soon.