English : Common Core Classes

Unit 5 (Recreation) - Reading



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Recreation Activities

1-1/ Reading 1

1-2/ Reading 2

II- Recreation Habits

2-1/ Reading 1

2-2/ Reading 2

III- Recreation around the World

3-1/ Reading 1

3-2/ Reading 2


I- Recreation Activities


1-1/ Reading 1


  • Write "True" or "False" :

Football is also called soccer : _______
Football is the only sport people play in Morocco : _______
Only Casablanca and Rabat have football stadiums : _______
Men prefer to watch football in cafes : _______
The African Cup is the biggest football competition : _______
The world Cup is more exciting than the African Cup : _______


1-2/ Reading 2


  • The 6 paragraphs of the passage below are scrambled. Find the correct order and number them from 1 to 6. Write the numbers next to the appropriate paragraph.


II- Recreation Habits


2-1/ Reading 1


  1. Where is Mary going to go tomorrow?


  1. What is she doing Saturday afternoon?


  1. Where are Alan and his friends going to go Saturday?


  1. What time is he going to meet Mary?




2-2/ Reading 2


  1. Which activities are outdoors?


  1. Which activities are indoors?


  1. How many activities are in the week end?


  1. Which day isn't mentioned in the listings?


  1. Which activities are in the mornings?


  1. Which activities are in the afternoons?


  1. Which activities are in the evenings?



III- Recreation around the World


3-1/ Reading 1


  1. Write "True" or "False" :

Cynthia is going to have a party on Saturday : ______
Janice is going to stay at home on Sunday : ______
Cynthia wants Janice to come to her party : ______
Albert doesn't like family parties : ______

  1. Do you think Janice's children will like the party? Why or why not?



3-2/ Reading 2


  1. Write "True" or "False" :

The students will stay with the Japanese families for eight weeks : ______
The programme takes place in three cities in Japan : ______
The participants will visit different places in Japan : ______
The participants will pay for their plane ticket to Japan : ______

  1. Answer these questions :

1. Who is Alice Stewart?
2. How many American students will participate in the programme?
3. When will they come back to the USA?
4. What will they do during the first four weeks in Japan?
5. How will the American students communicate with their host families?
6. What do you think they will learn during their stay with the host families?