English : Common Core Classes

Unit 5 (Recreation) - Communication



Teacher : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Recreation Activities

1-2/ Recreation Habits

1-3/ Recreation around the World

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Recreation Activities




Activity 1
  • What do you like to do in your free time? Check: like, don't like or hate :
  like don't like hate     like don't like hate
horror movies
love stories
going to cafes
going to parties



Activity 2
  • Ask your partner about his/her likes and dislikes.



1-2/ Recreation Habits




Activity 1
  • Practise this conversation :

A : Say, what are you doing this weekend? Do you want to see a football match?
B : When?
A : 3:00 o'clock.
B : Sure, that would be really exciting. Or I'd like to, but I'm going to be at the beach then.



Activity 2
  1. Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner.

Student A : Invite a partner to go with you.
Student B : Ask when the activity is. Accept or decline the invitation and give a reason.

  1. Now, practise more conversations with your own information.



1-3/ Recreation around the World




Activity 1
  • Practise these conversations with your partner :

A : How do you like westerns?
B : I think they are interesting.
A : Why do you think that?
B : Because the music is good.
A : How do you feel about American movies?
B : In my opinion, they are the best.
A : Really? Why do you think that?
B : Because there is a lot of action.



Activity 2
  • Look at your own cue card and follow the instructions to have a conversation with your partner :


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

Answer the following questions to practise conversations with your classmates. Share opinions, agree or disagree and give your reasons. Use these expressions :

1. What is the most popular sport in the world?

2. Who is the most popular TV star these days?

3. Who is the best singer in Morocco?

4. Who is the best actor in the world?

5. Which is better, reading or watching TV?

6. What is the best TV programme on Moroccan TV?

7. What are the most interesting tourist attractions in Morocco?

8. What are the most popular vacation places in Morocco?



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Mary invites her friends to see the movie 'The Titanic'. Do they accept or refuse her invitation?

1. I'd love to, but I have homework to do : ________
2. That sounds interesting. What time does it start? : ________
3. That would be really nice. I need a change : ________
4. I'm sorry. I'm going out with my parents : ________
5. Sure, I'd love to : ________
6. Thanks, but I'm not a fan of Dicaprio : ________
7. I'd like to, but I have to help my mother with the housework : ________
8. Great! Let's go : ________



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Complete the chart with activities you like to do alone, with your best friend or with your family. Add two more activities to each column :
have a picnic
go to the beach
eat in a restaurant
go to a museum
go on vacation
go to a sports event
see a movie
go shopping
watch TV
go to a music concert
do homework
do housework
cook meals
play video games


    Alone    With my best friend With my family