English: 2nd Year College

Unit 6 (Sports day) - Activities 1



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activity 1

II- Activity 2

III- Activity 3

IV- Activity 4

V- Activity 5

VI- Activity 6

VII- Activity 7


I- Activity 1


Read, look and find :

table - track - ball - bat - net


II- Activity 2


Listen, point and repeat :


III- Activity 3


Listen and number :


IV- Activity 4


Listen and write :

  1. They are winning the _____________________ .
  2. I can play tennis, but I can’t play _____________________ .
  3. My favourite sport is _____________________ .
  4. _____________________ is difficult to play.
  5. They play _____________________ in the gym.


V- Activity 5


Match the pictures and say :


VI- Activity 6


Listen and put a tick / for yes or a cross X for no :


VII- Activity 7


Read and choose the correct answer :