English: 3rd Year College

Unit 6 (Body & clothes) - Communication



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1

1-2/ Activity 2 (Do this)

1-3/ Activity 3 (Have you got Jackets?)

1-4/ Activity 4 (Put on your pyjamas!)

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1



1-2/ Activity 2 (Do this)

  • Write "True" or "False", then correct the false statements :
Philip is in a book shop. False Philip is in a clothes shop.
Philip wants a red jacket.    
The shop assistant hasn't got blue pants.    
The shop assistant has got white pants.    
Sara and Nora like Philip's clothes.    
Philip's mother wants him to watch TV.    



1-3/ Activity 3 (Have you got Jackets?)

  • Listen and repeat, then ask and answer questions.

Nabil : Have you got a cap?
Tony : Yes, I have.
Nabil : And have you got a pair of gloves?
Tony : No, I haven't.

You : ______________ a T-shirt?
Partner : ____________________________
You : ______________ a pair of blue jeans?
Partner : ____________________________



1-4/ Activity 4 (Put on your pyjamas!)

  1. Listen and repeat, then match the commands with the signs :

1- Don't run! / 2- Don't smoke! / 3- Drive slowly. / 4- Be quiet.

  1. Look at the pictures and write the commands.


II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Put the dialogue in the correct order :

  Shop assistant : Any preference for colour ?
    Tom : Yes, please. Have you got a shirt?
    Shop assistant : Can I help you?
    Tom : Blue.
    Shop assistant : Look at this one. Do you like it?
    Tom : Yes, it's very nice. And have you got plastic sandals?
    Shop assistant : I’m afraid we haven't, but we've got some leather ones.
    Tom : No, thank you. I want plastic sandals. I need them for the beach.



2-2/ Exercise 2

Match the commands with the pictures :

  1. Don’t cross the street !
  2. Eat your lunch.
  3. Don’t play with the knife !
  4. Don’t go near the fire !



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • March a line in A with a line in B:


A B  
  1. Don’t eat
  2. Write your name
  3. Please be
  4. Don’t make
  5. Read
  • quiet!
  • in class
  • on the list
  • the instruction
  • noise