English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 9 (Science and Technology)
Language Quiz



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4


I- Exercise 1


Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word from the list :

breakthrough- password - drawbacks - networks - computer - addicts

A lot of youths have become facebook ________________ . They can't imagine their life without it.

Finding cure for cancer is a very important scientific ________________ .

The father changed the ________________ so that his son couldn't have access to the internet.

I think the illiterate today is someone who can’t use a ________________ .

The mobile has many advantages as well as ________________ .

Social ________________ such as Facebook and Twitter have grown rapidly.


II- Exercise 2


Put the words between brackets in the correct form :

Bill Gates is a famous (science) ________________ who invented Microsoft.

The mobile phone is a very important (invent) ________________ .


III- Exercise 3


Rewrite the following sentences with the words given :

  1. I can't travel to Canada because I don’t have a visa.

If ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Jane wants to apply for a driving license, but she isn't 18.

_______________________________________ if _______________________________________

  1. It’s a pity I don't know my uncle’s phone number to visit him while I am in Casablanca.

I wish ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Nassima didn’t understand the lesson because she was absent.

If ______________________________________________________________________________

  1. Adil got up late; so he missed the bus.

_______________________________________ if _______________________________________

  1. It's a pity I forgot to call my friend yesterday.

If only ______________________________________________________________________________


IV- Exercise 4


Match the sentences with their functions :

  1. There is no doubt that technology has changed our life.
  2. I’m glad to hear that you got your Bac.
  3. I'm not sure people could live without a mobile phone.
  4. That’s too bad.
  • a- expressing uncertainty
  • b- responding to bad news
  • c- expressing certainty
  • d- responding to good news