English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 9 (Sciences and Technology)
Grammar : Conditional and Wish



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae





I- Present Situation

1-1/ Course

1-2/ Practice 1

1-3/ Practice 2

II- Past Situation

2-1/ Course

2-2/ Practice 1

2-3/ Practice 2


I- Present Situation


1-1/ Course


Situation :

  • I want to buy a new car, but I don't have enough money. J

Conditional :

  • If I had enough money, I would buy a new car.
  • I would buy a new car if I had enough money.

Present wish :

  • I wish I had enough money, (to buy a new car)



1-2/ Practice 1

Put the verb between brackets in the correct form :

1- If I (be) ______________ free, I would go on a picnic.

I would go on a picnic if I (be) ______________ free.

I wish I (be) ______________ free.

2- If Rayan worked hard, he (get) ______________ a good mark

Rayan (get) ______________ a good mark If he worked hard.

Rayan wishes he (work) ______________ hard.

3- If Jack (live) ______________ in Marrakech, he wouldn't have any allergy.

4- If the exam were too difficult,nobody (pass) ______________ .

5- Fernando would come to the party if they (invite) ______________ him.

6- Your parents (worry) ______________ about you if you didn't show up.

7- If Tom stopped at the red light, he (not make) ______________ an accident.

8- If Linda (not attend) ______________ the meeting, her boss would be angry.



1-3/ Practice 2

1- Mark doesn't pay attention in class. So, he doesn’t understand the lesson.

If ____________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ if _____________________________________________________

Mark wishes ______________________________________________________________________________________

2- Raja wants to visit her friend, but she doesn't know the address.

If ____________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ if _____________________________________________________

Raja wishes _____________________________________________________________________________________


II- Past Situation


2-1/ Course


Situation :

  • I wanted to see my friend yesterday, but I wasn’t free.

Conditional :

  • If I had been free yesterday, I would have seen my friend.
  • I would have seen my friend if I had been free yesterday.

Present wish :

  • I wish I had been free yesterday.



2-2/ Practice 1

Put the verb between brackets in the correct form :

1- If Messi (play) ______________ yesterday, Barcelona would have won the match

Barcelona would have won the match If Messi (play) ______________ yesterday.

Barcelona fans wish Messi (play) ______________ yesterday.

2- If Rayan had worked hard last Monday, he (get) ______________ a good mark.

Rayan (get) ______________ a good mark if he had worked hard last Monday.

Rayan wishes he (work) ______________ hard last Monday.

3- If you hadn’t invited me to your birthday party, i (not give) ______________ you a gift.

4- If Bob (drive) ______________ slowly, he wouldn't have made an accident.

5- Catherine could have gone to the cinema with her friends yesterday if she (not be) ______________ a sick.

6- Real Madrid (not win) ______________ the match if Ronaldo hadn’t played.



2-3/ Practice 2

1- Mark didn't pay attention in class yesterday. So he didn't understand the lesson.

If ____________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ if _____________________________________________________

Mark wishes ______________________________________________________________________________________

2- Raja couldn't go out with her friends last night because she wasn't free.

If ____________________________________________________________________________________________

_____________________________________________________ if _____________________________________________________

3- Hassna ate too much last night and had a stomachache.

Hassna wishes ______________________________________________________________________________________