English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 9 (Sciences and Technology)
Functions : Certainty / Uncertainty



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course

1-1/ Expressing certainty

1-2/ Expressing uncertainty

II- Practice 1

III- Practice 2


I- Course


1-1/ Expressing certainty

I'm sure / certain / positive that ........

Yes, definitely / certainly / of course.

There is no doubt .......


It is crystal clear / obvious/ evident .........

No one can deny .........



1-2/ Expressing uncertainty

I’m not sure...

1 doubt it.

1 don’t think / guess...


probably / possibly

It’s unlikely / doubtful that...


II- Practice 1


Express the same sentence in a different way :

  1. I'm quite sure that many of us today can't live without a mobile.


  1. I don't think that robots will be able to replace human beings at work.



III- Practice 2


What would you say in the following situations :

  1. Your friend wants to know whether you can come to his birthday party tomorrow.

You (express certainty) :


  1. Your friend : Do you think humans will be able to live on the moon ?

You (express uncertainty) :
