English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 8 (International Organisations)
Language Quiz



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5


I- Exercise 1


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word from the list :

partnership - founded - comply with - emblem - fight

  1. Amnesty International was ________________ in 1961.
  1. The ________________ of the UN symbolizes peace.
  1. The main concern of MSF is to ________________ epidemics around the world.
  1. Morocco and Europe have signed a ________________ to combat illegal immigration.
  1. "Iran refuses to ________________ the security council's decisions concerning its nuclear energy expansion." A UN official declared.


II- Exercise 2


Match the words to make collocations :

  • impose
  • peace
  • humanitarian
  • reach
  • treaty
  • an agreement
  • aid
  • sanctions


III- Exercise 3


Respond to the following situations :

1- Your brother : I’ve got the first grade in the exam.

You : (congratulate him)



2- You: You look sad.What’s the matter ?

Your friend:I have a terrible toothache.

You : (sympathize with him)



IV- Exercise 4


Put the word between brackets in the correct form :

  1. Drug addiction a (danger) ________________ phenomenon which destroys many youths' lives.
  1. The fans felt (disappoint) ________________ when their favourite team lost the match.
  1. Morocco is cooperating with Europe to fight (legal) ________________ emigration.
  1. Youths don’t want to assume any (responsible) ________________ today.
  1. Global warming may lead to a serious (ecology) ________________ crisis.


V- Exercise 5


Match the sentences with their functions :

Your sister got married! That sounds great !
I think you should take an aspirin !
Your grandfather died! I’m sorry to hear that !
I can't sleep at night.What do you think I should do ?
Responding to bad news
Asking for advice
Responding to good
Giving advice