English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 8 (International Organisations)
Functions : Responding to good / bad news



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course

1-1/ Responding to good news

1-2/ Responding to bad news

II- Practice 1

III- Practice 2


I- Course


1-1/ Responding to good news

- Sounds great!

- Great news!

- Superb!

- Oh, how wonderful!

- That's good / nice / great/ fantastic / wonderful!

- Congratulations!

- I’m happy / glad to hear that!

- Really ? I can't believe that!



1-2/ Responding to bad news

- Oh,dear!

- Poor you!

- That must be awful!

- That’s too bad!

- My goodness!

- I’m sorry to hear that!

- I do sympathise with you!

- What a shame!

- I know how you must be feeling!


II- Practice 1


Complete the following exchanges :

1- Teacher : We're planning to set up a citizenship club in our school. Would you like to be a member ?

You : ____________________________________ . I wouldn’t miss such an important opportunity.


2- Your friend : Have you seen the news on TV recently? There was a violent attack in France.

You : ____________________________________ . I hope there weren't many casualties.

Your friend : Actually, about nine people were killed and many others injured.


III- Practice 2


Respond to the following pieces of news :

  1. Your friend has just passed his driving test.


  1. Your neighbour has had a terrible accident. He's now in hospital.


  1. Your father has become the manager of the company.


  1. Your friend’s grandmother passed away.
