English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 7 (Citizenship)
Functions : Expressing advice



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course

1-1/ Asking for advice

1-2/ Giving advice

II- Practice 1

III- Practice 2


I- Course


1-1/ Asking for advice

- What should I do ?

- What do you advise me to do ?

- Can you give me some advice ?

- What do you think I should do ?

- I don’t know what to do ?



1-2/ Giving advice

- You should + infinitive ...

- You’d better + infinitive ...

- You ought to + infinitive ...

- 1 think you should + infinitive ...

- 1 advise you to + infinitive ...

- IfIwere you,I would + infinitive ...

- Why don't you + infinitive ...


II- Practice 1


  1. Your friend has just got his university degree. He has two options : look for a Job or continue his studies.

You (give him advice) :


  1. You: You look very tired. What's the matter ?

You friend : I have a terrible headache (ask for advice)


You (give him advice) :


  1. Your Friend : I can't sleep at night.

You (give him advice) :


  1. Your friend : I have a lot of exams this week. I'm afraid, can you give me some advice ?

You (give him advice) :



III- Practice 2


Express the same function in a different way :

  1. Why don't you see a doctor ?

You'd better _________________________________________________________________________________________

  1. You shouldn't waste your time chatting.

If I were you, _______________________________________________________________________________________

  1. I think you should go home and relax.

I advise you _______________________________________________________________________________________

  1. If I were you,I would accept that job offer.
