English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 6 (Culture)
Language Quiz



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5


I- Exercise 1


Fill in the gap with the appropriate word from the list :

acceptable - generous - customs - dressed - cooperate

  1. Whenever we have a party, our neighbours usually _________________ with us.
  1. We have to preserve our _________________ and traditions. Otherwise, we may lose identity.
  1. In a Moroccan wedding, most women get _________________ in Kaftans.
  1. My father is a very _________________ person. He often invites his friends for dinner.
  1. In some cultures, it is not _________________ to kiss in public.


II- Exercise 2


Match the words to make collocations :



III- Exercise 3


Fill in the gaps with the appropriate phrasal verb from the list :

put on - look for - take off - stand for - grew up

  1. The letters VIP _________________ Very Important Person.
  1. After Hamid graduates from university, he will _________________ a job.
  1. Youness was born in Morocco,but he _________________ in France.
  1. The pilot decided to _________________ despite the bad weather.
  1. "You have to _________________ your jacket _________________ . it’s too cold today.” The mother told her son.


IV- Exercise 4


Match the sentences with their functions :

I'm sorry for being late. The traffic is bad today.
Coexistence means living together in harmony.
Sorry to say it, but the food isn’t well cooked.


V- Exercise 5


Write appropriate responses to the following situations :

  1. You didn't do your homework.

You (Apologise to your teacher) :


  1. Your internet connection is too slow.

You (Complain to the customer service manager) :
