English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 6 (Culture)
Functions : Defining, Apologising and complaining



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course

1-1/ Defining

1-2/ Apologising

1-3/ Complaining

II- Activity 1

III- Activity 2


I- Course


1-1/ Defining

__________________ is/ are __________________

__________________ means __________________

__________________ refers to __________________

__________________ can be referred to as __________________

__________________ can be defined as __________________

__________________ can be described as __________________



1-2/ Apologising

I'm sorry.

I'm so/terribly sorry.

I'm sorry for ______________

I’m sorry about this.

I can’t tell you how sorry I am.

I apologise.

My apologies.

Accept my apologies.

I can't apologise enough for ______________



1-3/ Complaining

Sorry to say this but ___________________

I'm sorry to bother you, but ___________________

I have a complaint about ___________________

I have to make a serious complaint.

I'm not satisfied with ___________________

I don't know how to say it, but ___________________


II- Activity 1


Complete the exchanges as suggested :

  1. Your friend: You promised to call me yesterday but you didn't.

You (apologise and give a reason) :


  1. Your neighbour : Excuse me but your musici is too loud.

You (apologise) :


  1. Your teacher : You forgot your textbook at home.

You (apologise to your teacher) :


  1. You are assigned a group project, but one of your team-mates doesn't cooperate.

You (complain to him) :


  1. You are eating lunch at a restaurant and you find a fly in your plate.

You (complain to the waiter) :



III- Activity 2


Match the sentences with their functions:

  • Defining
  • Apologising
  • Complaining
  1. "I'm terribly sorry for coming late". A student told his teacher : _________________
  2. Values can be defined as principles of good behaviour : _________________
  3. Sorry to say this, but you're making too much noise : _________________
  4. I can't tell you how sorry I am.I forgot your book at home : _________________
  5. Anthropology is the study of people,their societies and cultures : _________________
  6. Brain drain means the emigration of educated and skilled people : _________________
  7. "I'm sorry,I've given you the wrong change." The shop assistant said : _________________
  8. Sorry to bother you,but your dog was barking ail night andI couldn't sleep : _________________
  9. Culture refers to the beliefs and traditions of a particular group of people : _________________
  10. I'm not satisfied with the way you talked to me yesterday : _________________