English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 4 (Sustainable development)
Functions : Expressing cause and effect



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course 1 : Expressing cause

II- Practice 1

III- Exercise 1

IV- Course 2 : Expressing effect

V- Practice 2

VI- Exercise 2

VII- Previous Bac Exams Items on Expressing Cause and Effect


I- Course 1 : Expressing cause



Jack made an accident yesterday. He drove fast.

1- Jack made an accident yesterday because he drove fast.
Because he drove fast, Jack made an accident yesterday.

2- Jack made an accident yesterday because of driving fast.
Because of driving fast, Jack made an accident yesterday.


II- Practice 1


Hiba gets good marks. She works hard.

______________________________ because _____________________________________

Because ______________________________ , _____________________________________

______________________________ because of _____________________________________

Because of ______________________________ , _____________________________________


III- Exercise 1


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given :

  1. A lot of students dropout of school. Their parents are poor. (because)


  1. Ali couldn’t go to school yesterday. He was sick. (due to)


  1. Many rural women are able to read and write. They joined literacy classes. (thanks to)


  1. The teacher was absent. The students returned to their houses.(As)


  1. Amine got up late. He missed the bus. (because of)


  1. Hafsa makes great efforts. She gets good marks. (thanks to)


  1. Nabil didn’t revise his lessons well. He didn’t pass the exam. (due to)


  1. The weather was bad. The pilot decided not to take off. (because)



IV- Course 2 : Expressing effect


_________________________________ . So, _________________________________

_________________________________ . Therefore, _________________________________

_________________________________ . As a result _________________________________

_________________________________ . As a consequence _________________________________

_________________________________ . Consequently, _________________________________

_________________________________ . Thus, _________________________________

_________________________________ . Hence _________________________________

_________________________________ . Because of this, _________________________________

_________________________________ , that’s why _________________________________

V- Practice 2


Hiba got a good mark. She worked hard.

_______________________________ . So, _________________________________


VI- Exercise 2


Rewrite the following pairs of sentences using the words given :

  1. A lot of students drop out of school. The schools are too far. (Therefore)


  1. Ali couldn't go to school. He was sick yesterday. (So)


  1. The student didn't do his homework. The teacher gave him a bad mark. (Thus)


  1. Many houses were destroyed. It rained too much. (As a result)


  1. Amine got up late. He missed the bus. (That's why)


  1. Hafsa makes great efforts. She gets good marks. (So)


  1. Nabil didn't pass the exam. He didn't revise his lessons well. (Consequently)



VII- Previous Bac Exams Items on Expressing Cause and Effect


  1. The meeting was cancelled. The manager was sick. (because of)


  1. The children were exhausted after the trip. They went to bed immediately. (that's why)


  1. Rachid's communication skills have improved. His coach helped him a lot. (thanks to)


  1. My grandmother has taken literacy classes. She can now read and write. (thanks to)


  1. Our local council is very active. Our city is clean and safe. (because)


  1. Taoufik had family problems. He couldn't concentrate on his lessons. (because of)


  1. Hind got the first prize. She made great efforts. (thanks to)


  1. Jamal spent ad the afternoon chatting. He didn't have time to do his homework. (because)


  1. Mr. Ferguson's car broke down on the way. He was late for work. (because)