English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 5 (Woman and power)
Functions : Expressing addition and concession



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course 1 : Expressing addition

II- Practice 1

III- Course 2 : Expressing concession

IV- Practice 2

V- Exercise

VI- Previous Bac Exams Items on Addition andConcession


I- Course 1 : Expressing addition



Some women work all day. They take care of the house.

  1. Some women work all day and they take care of the house.
  2. Some women work all day. They take care of the house,too.
  3. Some women work all day. They also take care of the house.
  4. Some women not only work all day,but they also take of the house.
  5. Some women work all day.Moreover, they take care of the house.
  6. Some women work all day along with taking care of the house.


II- Practice 1


Rewrite the sentences using the words given :

  1. Schools in rural areas are far from houses. They need a lot of necessities. (What's more)


  1. Women play a big role in the family. They contribute to the development of the society. (as well as)


  1. Marrakech is a beautiful city. It has a good weather. (in addition to)


  1. Facebook facilitates communication. It is also a means of research. (Moreover)


  1. Good students participate in class. Moreover, they revise their lessons at home. (not only but also)



III- Course 2 : Expressing concession



Safa was sick. She went to school.

  1. Safa was sick, but she went to school.
  2. Safa was sick. However, she went to school.
  3. Although Safa was sick, she went to school./Safa went to school although she was sick
  4. In spite of being sick, Safa went to school. / Safa went to school in spite of being sick.
  5. In spite of her sickness, Safa went to school./ Safa went to school in spite her sickness.
  6. In spite of the fact that Safa was sick, she went to school.


IV- Practice 2


Some people are rich. They aren’t happy.

_________________________ ,but _________________________

_________________________ . However, _________________________

Although _________________________ , _________________________

_________________________ although _________________________

In spite of _________________________ , _________________________

_________________________ in spite of _________________________


V- Exercise


Rewrite the following sentences using the words given :

  1. Omar is poor. He managed to send all his children to school. (although)


  1. A lot of students got nice marks. The exam was difficult. (However)


  1. Nada missed the bus. She got up early. (despite)


  1. The government has made great efforts. A lot of people are still illiterate. (Though)


  1. The lesson is easy. Some students don't understand it. (yet)


  1. Linda is beautiful. Jack doesn’t want to marry her. (even though)


  1. Tom is rich. Brenda refuses to marry him. (in spite of)



VI- Previous Bac Exams Items on Addition and Concession


  1. There is an economic crisis in the country. House prices are still high.(despite)


  1. Kenza works hard at the office. She always finds time to help her son with his homework. (alttough)


  1. The students planted trees. They cleaned all classrooms. too. (not only ... but also)


  1. Malaysia exports high technology. It invests in tourism. as well. (in addition to)


  1. Randa went to work this morning. The doctor advised her to stay in bed. (although)


  1. New measures have been taken to reduce unemployment.Many people are still jobless. (despite)


  1. Many students are dropping out of school.The conditions have improved a lot. (although)


  1. Jawad read the instructions carefully. He wasn’t able to install the printer. (although)


  1. My friends decided to go on an excursion to the Atlas Mountains. They might face difficulties. (despite)


  1. Sonia went to work yesterday. She was not feeling well. (although)
