English: 2Bac (All Streams)

Unit 3 (Education)
Grammar : Past Perfect



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Course

II- Practice 1

III- Practice 2

IV- Previous National Exams items on Past Perfect / Simple


I- Course



II- Practice 1


Put the verb () in the past perfect or simple :

  1. When I arrived home last night, my family already (have) _________________  dinner.
  2. Sara had done her homework before she (go) _________________  to bed.
  3. The children already (sleep) _________________  by the time their father came home.
  4. After she (finish) _________________  revising her lessons last night, Helen helped her mother.
  5. Frank went to university after he (graduate) _________________  from high school last year.
  6. Before Mary (have) _________________  breakfast this morning, she had taken a shower.
  7. Tom (be) _________________  late for work last Monday because he had had an accident.
  8. The teacher (begin) _________________  the lesson as soon as the students had arrived.
  9. They (wait) _________________  for 30 minutes when the bus finally arrived.
  10. After Chaimae (get) _________________  her Baccalaureate last year, her parents (buy) _________________  her a new car.


III- Practice 2


Put the verb () in the past perfect or simple :

  1. Last summer, I travelled by plane to Paris for the first time. I (feel) _________________  very nervous because I never (take) _________________  the plane before.
  2. When Farid arrived to class, the exam already (start) _________________  .
  3. Yesterday Laura went to the English club after she (finish) _________________  her homework.
  4. Ahmed (work) _________________  as a waiter for 15 years in Spain before he (start) _________________  his own project three years ago.
  5. I (call) _________________  you yesterday, but there was no answer.
  6. Chorouk (start) _________________  singing three years ago.
  7. Last year, about nine million tourists (visit) _________________  Morocco.


IV- Previous National Exams items on Past Perfect / Simple


1) Mike : Have you heard from Jennifer? she (manage) _________________  to catch her train last night ?

David : Unfortunately not. When she (get) _________________  to the train station, the train already (leave) _________________  .

2) Hi Tom, I'm in Ouarzazate now. I (come) _________________  here four days ago after I (visit) _________________  Marrakech.

3) My parents (move) _________________  to this city before I was born.

4) Bob and David enjoy (watch) _________________  science fiction films. Yesterday, they (go) _________________  to the cinema, but when they arrived, they found that the film already (start) _________________  . So, they decided to have a walk along the coast.

5) After Nabil (retire) _________________  from work, he moved to the countryside.

6) The heavy rainfalls (damage) _________________  a lot of roads last December.

7) After Karim (get) _________________  his visa last month, he (go) _________________  to the USA to start a new business.

8) The city council (build) _________________  a new stadium two years ago.

9) Before she became a doctor, Salma already (work) _________________  hard as a biology teacher for two years.

10) The Simons (to live) _________________  in Marrakech for ten years when I first (meet) _________________  them in 1988.

11) Leila missed the interview yesterday morning, her train already (to leave) _________________  the station when she got there.