English: 3rd Year College

Unit 11 (Transport) - Grammar



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1

1-2/ Activity 2

1-3/ Activity 3

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1

2-2/ Exercise 2

2-3/ Exercise 3


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1

  • Circle the correct form :

1- Look ! The children play / are playing in the garden.

2- My parents are going to buy / buy a new house tomorrow.

3- Anissa does / is doing her homework at the moment.

4- My sister usually is having / has tea for breakfast.

5- I don't watch / am not watching TV in the morning.



1-2/ Activity 2

  • Complete the sentences with : is, do, does, are.

1- How often _____ your brother go to the cinema?

2- _____ you going to travel next weekend?

3- How _____ you usually come to school?

4- _____ your mother cooking lunch now?

5- What _____ your grandparents do on Sunday?



1-3/ Activity 3

  • Put the words in the correct order :

1- is going / to buy / a dress / this afternoon / she


2- never / to school / on foot / come / I


3- you / often / go / to the barber's? / how / do


4- the baby / now? / Is / sleeping


5- tomorrow / what/ morning? / going to / are you / do



II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1

  • Put the verbs in the correct form :

1- I usually (take) __________ the bus to school.

2- My parents (travel) __________ to Agadir tomorrow.

3- James (be) __________ never later for work.

4- Be careful ! you (to drop) __________ the plates !

5- Ssh ! The baby (sleep) __________.



2-2/ Exercise 2

  • Match the questions with the answers :
  1. What are you doing ?
  2. Do your parents like travelling ?
  3. Are the children playing ?
  4. How often do you go to the barber's ?
  5. When are you leaving ?
  • a. every month
  • b. next Saturday
  • c. No, they don’t
  • d. I'm writing a letter
  • e. No, they aren't



2-3/ Exercise 3

  • Present or future ?

1- We are playing football after lunch : future
2- She’s preparing dinner at the moment : _____________
3- Listen ! the parrot is singing : ___________
4- My parents are travelling tomorrow : ___________
5- We are visiting the museum this afternoon : ___________
6- Look ! the boys are swimming in the river : ___________