English: 3rd Year College

Local Exam 3



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae


I- Text


Thomas Smith is a student at William Shakespeare Burton secondary school . He is American, but he lives in Oxford, England. He is thirteen years old. He speaks English and French. At school , he studies ten subjects.He likes Maths and Science. His favourite friend is Peter.

He lives with his family in a big house. His father is a doctor. He works in a private hospital and his mother is a teacher. He has two cousins. At the weekend, they play football together. It's his favourite sport.


II- Comprehension


  1. Write "True" or "False" then correct the false statements :

a- Thomas is English : _________


b- His father is a doctor : _________


c- William Shakespeare is Thomas school's name : _________


  1. Answer these questions :

a- Where does Thomas live?


b- How old is he?


c- What is his favourite sport?



III- Language


  1. Put the verbs between brackets in the present simple :

a- Neymar (be) ____________ football player.

b- Sarah and her brother (play) ____________ computer games in their bedroom.

c- She (not speak) ____________ French very well.

  1. Complete the sentences with: do / does / don't / doesn't

a - ____________ you like couscous? No, I ____________ .

b - ____________ your mother prepare it? Yes, she ____________ .

  1. Complete the sentences with the correct possessive adjective: my / your / their

a - ____________ school's name is lbn tofail. I am in class three.

b- My friend and I like Moroccan food. ____________ favourite dish is Pasiilla.


IV- Writing


Complete the letter with the correct word :

wishes - Dear - city - called - father - weekend

____________ Tom.

Hi, my name is Adam. I am fourteen. I am a student at Alkhawarizmi genior high school. I live in Morocco.My home ____________ is Agadir. It's very nice.

I have one brother. He is ____________ Amine. My  ____________ 's name is Ahmed and my mother's name is Fatima. At the ____________ , I go to the park to play football with my friends.

Best ____________
