English: 3rd Year College

Unit 5 (House) - Review



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1 (Communication)

1-2/ Activity 2 (Grammar)

1-3/ Activity 3 (Vocabulary)



1-1/ Activity 1 (Communication)

  1. Tell the time :

  1. What can/can’t you do?

Two things I can do at home :

  • 1- ________________________________
  • 2- ________________________________

Two things I can't do at school :

  • 1- ________________________________
  • 2- ________________________________



1-2/ Activity 2 (Grammar)

  • Look at the table and complete the sentences or questions :

  1. Samir and Mary ____________ breakfast at 8:00.
  2. ____________ John ____________ his house?
  3. John ____________ Rugby.
  4. John and Mary ____________ Tennis
  5. Salma ____________ dinner at 9:00.
  6. ____________ Jim and John ____________ lunch at 1:00?
  7. Samir, Mary and Jim ____________ school subjects.



1-3/ Activity 3 (Vocabulary)

Answer these questions about places in the house :

  • Where is the car?


  • Where is the refrigerator?


  • Where is the television?


  • Where is the bed?


  • Where are the chairs?


  • Where is the bath tub?
