English: 3rd Year College

Unit 5 (House) - Skills work



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activities

1-1/ Activity 1 (Reading)

1-2/ Activity 2 (Speaking)

1-3/ Activity 3 (Writing)

II- Practice

2-1/ Exercise 1 (Reading)

2-2/ Exercise 2 (Speaking)


I- Activities


1-1/ Activity 1 (Reading)

  1. Answer these questions, then read about Sara's flat :

1- Do you live in a house or in a flat?
2- Where is your home?
a. In a village.
b. In a town.
c. In a city.

  1. Fill in this form about Sara’s flat :

1- Type of home : __________________
2- Place : __________________
3- Rooms : __________________
4- Other parts : __________________



1-2/ Activity 2 (Speaking)

  • Answer your partner's questions about your dream house.
  1. Where is your dream house?
  1. How many rooms are there in your dream house?
  1. What are they?
  1. Why do you like your dream house?



1-3/ Activity 3 (Writing)

  • Use your notes to write a short paragraph about your dream house :

This is the picture of my dream house. It is in ____________________

There are ________________________________________________





II- Practice


2-1/ Exercise 1 (Reading)

  • Read about karim and his uncle’s house, then write "True" or "False" :

My uncle lives with his wife and two children in a large house in Saidia, a small village in the east of Morocco.

The house has seven rooms. The living room, the dining-room and the kitchen are downstairs. The bathroom and the bedrooms are upstairs. It has a garage and a big garden. There aren't any flowers in the garden but there are some orange and apple trees.

I visit my uncle every August. In the morning, I play with my cousin inthegarden. There is a swing,
a runabout and a see-saw. In the afternoon, we go swimming in the sea.

  1. Karim's uncle lives in a flat : ________
  2. The kitchen is downstairs : ________
  3. There are some flowers in the garden : ________
  4. Karim goes to Saidia in April : ________
  5. Karim has three cousins : ________



2-2/ Exercise 2 (Speaking)

  1. Ask and answer with a partner.

1) Do you live in a house or a flat ?
2) Is it big or small ?
3) How many rooms does it have ?
4) Is there a garage ?
5) Is there a garden ?

  1. Tell the class about your partner

My friend Rachid lives in ______________________