English: 2nd Year College

Unit 3 (At the supermarket) - Practice 1



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Exercise 1

II- Exercise 2

III- Exercise 3

IV- Exercise 4

V- Exercise 5

VI- Exercise 6


I- Exercise 1


Look at the picture and answer :

  1. How many women can you see? _________________
  2. Can you see fish? _________________
  3. Name three different fruits. _________________
  4. Can you see any eggs? _________________
  5. Can you see any milk? _________________


II- Exercise 2


Draw lines to match the pictures with the words :


III- Exercise 3


Listen and write :

1. A : Do you like apples? B : No. I like _________________
2. A : What is your favourite food? B : I like _________________
3. A : Have you got _________________? B : Yes, I have.
4. A : What is your favourite fruit? B : My favourite fruit is _________________
5. A : Do you like _________________? B : Yes.


IV- Exercise 4


Complete the sentences with “some” or “any” :

  1. There is _________ bread in the fridge.
  2. There are _________ eggs in the cupboard.
  3. There aren’t _________ carrots in the basket.
  4. There isn’t _________ milk in the fridge.
  5. I’ve got _________ fish in the fridge.


V- Exercise 5


Read and say "True" or "False" :

My name is Jenny. I love pizza. I like pizza with cheese, mushroom and meat. I love ice cream, too. My favourite ice cream is chocolate ice cream. I don’t like salad and milk.

My name is Steve. I am a football player. I like healthy food. I like chicken, tomatoes and carrots. I don’t like hamburgers. I love fruit. My favourite fruit is apples.

  1. Jenny likes pizza with cheese and tomatoes : True / False
  2. Jenny likes chocolate ice cream : True / False
  3. Jenny likes salad : True / False
  4. Steve likes chicken : True / False
  5. Steve doesn’t like hamburgers : True / False


VI- Exercise 6


Write about the food you like and don’t like :

  • I like ________________ , ____________________ and ________________ .
  • I don’t like __________________________ , _____________________and __________________________ .