English: 2nd Year College

Unit 1 (School day) - Activities 2



Professeur : Mme ZAARA Asmae




I- Activity 1

II- Activity 2

III- Activity 3

IV- Activity 4

V- Activity 5

VI- Activity 6

VII- Activity 7


I- Activity 1


Listen, point and repeat :


II- Activity 2


Listen and number :


III- Activity 3


What does Harry do at school? Listen and number :


IV- Activity 4


Circle the correct words :

1- I like / likes maths.

2- The boys play / plays in the playground.

3- He listen / listens to music.

4- They go / goes to school.

5- Mark read / reads an English book.

6- Maria and Ann make / makes sandwiches.


V- Activity 5


Ask a partner and then tell the class. Use these words :

art - maths - science - P.E. - English - music


VI- Activity 6


Listen, read and circle 'true' or 'false' :


VII- Activity 7


Write about your day :

Today is _____________ . I go to school at _____________ . I’ve got _____________ in the morning. I eat lunch at. In the afternoon, I’ve got _____________ . I go home at _____________ .